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Information for authors



It is announced enrolment of scientific articles to No 68 of the scientific journal “International Humanitarian University Herald. Philology”

Enrolment continues until September 30, 2024, inclusively.

“International Humanitarian University Herald. Philology”  is included in the category "B" of the List of the Scientific Specialized Publications of Ukraine on the specialization 035 "Philology" according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No 1471 dated November 26, 2020 (appendix 3).



  • Linguistics;
  • Literature Studies;
  • Translation and Interpretation Studies;
  • Reviews.



  • Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers
    It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.
  • Academic integrity
    The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using by the Polish company
    In the process of articles submission, please, follow the current standards for printed works and requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
  • Publication language: Ukrainian, English, German, French, Spanish.
  • Font: Times New Roman; font size 14, line spacing – 1,5. Fields: top, bottom and left – 20 mm, right – 15 mm. Paragraph indention – 1,25.
  • At the beginning of the article, it is necessary to specify UDC, section title, the author’s personal information (full name, job position, place of work) and the title of the article.
  • Bibliography is provided at the end of the article in the order of mentioning of the sources. During performance of the article composition, it is necessary to adhere to requirements, developed in 2015 by the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”.
  • The article must contain the following structural elements, which are highlighted in semi-bold:
  • problem statement, in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
  • analysis of recent research and publications on this topic, the allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem, the article is devoted to;
  • formation of the article purpose;
  • presentation of the main research material with a full substantiation of obtained scientific results;
  • conclusions from the research and prospects for further research in this scientific area.
  • In the text of the article, references to used literature sources should be indicated by the numerical order, allocated by the two square brackets, according to the list of sources (position of the quoted publication in References, page). List of used literature is issued under the name “References:”
  • The volume of the abstract in Ukrainian and English should be at least 1800 printed characters.



1. Linguistics

UDC 821.161.2



Maslovska T.O.,

Senior Instructor at Department of Translation and Linguistics

International Humanitarian University



Summary. The article has been devoted to the description of the conceptual sphere in the poetic discourse of the well-known Ukrainian poet Vasyl Symonenko. Due to the concepts of these linguistic models emotionality, brightness and emotionally-imperative colouring of the story is reached. Concepts in the poems of the poet fulfil dominant, expressive, text forming and vivid functions. They play a key role in forming of lexical semantic and language levels of poetic texts... (at least 1800 printed characters)

Key words: conceptual sphere, concept, discourse, culture, ethnic culture.


The article text




  1. Жайворонок В.В. Знаки української етнокультури: словник-довідник. Київ : Довіра, 2006. 703 с.


Масловська Т. O. Концептосфера ідіостилю Василя Симоненка

Анотація. Статтю присвячено описові концептосфери поетичного дискурсу відомого українського поета Василя Симоненка. Завдяки концептам досягається емоційність, колорит, емоційно-імперативне забарвлення оповіді. Концепти у віршах поета виконують увиразнювальну, текстотворчу, образну функції. Відіграють ключову роль у формуванні лексико-семантичного і мовного рівня поетичних текстів... (не менше 1800 друкованих знаків)

Ключові слова: концептосфера, концепт, ідіостиль, дискурс, культура, етнокультура. 



To publish the article in No 68/2024 until September 30, 2024 (inclusively)

 it is necessary to send to e-mail of the editorial office ( Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. ): 

  • scientific article, necessarily executed in accordance with the specified requirements;
  • fill application form;

patronymic (fully) of the author, scientific degree, academic rank, place of work and position, postal address for sending of the author’s copy of the journal, contact number, e-mail);

  • scanned confirmation of payment of funds to cover the costs of the article publication.

Example of electronic files name: Ivanenko_I.І._article, Ivanenko_I.I._payment

The editorial staff of scientific journal after receiving the article from the author carries out its internal anonymous review and plagiarism verification, after which the author will receive the payment details for publication within five working days.

The articles are checked for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company

ATTENTION! Articles of students are published only in co-authorship with the scientific supervisor.



The amount of funds to cover charges for articles publication in “International Humanitarian University Herald. Philology” No 68/2024 is 1200 UAH (up to 12 pages inclusive). If your article is larger than the specified volume, you should pay 60 UAH per each additional page.

Payment details are sent to e-mail 4-5 days after receiving of the materials.

The cost of review for a monograph is 600 UAH. 

If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.

Journal electronic version will be available on the website after November 30, 2024.
Authors who ordered a printed copy will receive it after December 30, 2024.

For more information on articles publication, please, call: +38 099 547 85 90